Old Weird Ward
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Blog Roll
Monday, August 22, 2005
- - - - - US Navy Ships - - - - -
'Way back in the days of yore, battleships were named after states - USS Iowa, USS New Jersey, USS Maine, USS Arizona, USS West Virginia, USS Nevada and USS California are remembered.
Cruisers were named after cities - USS Salt Lake City, USS Chicago, USS Brooklyn, USS Albany and USS Los Angeles come to mind.
Destroyers were named after US Navy people who had distinguished themselves - USS Reuben James, USS The Sullivans, USS Bancroft, USS Samuel Elliot Morrison are noteworthy.
Submarines were named after sea creatures - USS Nautilus, USS Wahoo, USS Albacore, USS Tang, USS Trigger, USS Queenfish, USS Tirante, USS Narwhal, USS Archerfish.
These are a roll-call of distinguished crews and their ships.
Recently, we here in Camden County were honored by the presence of the first submariner to become President of the United States. He visited the submarine named after him - he spent a couple of days aboard, and went out on some local ops.
It is my hope that the USS Jimmy Carter becomes far more distinguished than the former President.