Old Weird Ward
Unless otherwise noted, that which is posted here is opinion, which is protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. If you don't like my opinions, go somewhere else. Nobody is forcing you to actually read this drivel.
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That may be a large assumption.
Blog Roll
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
- - - - - The Week in Review - - - - -
During the last week, starting last Wednesday, the following has occurred:
1. Wed - normal, which around here is mild insanity. No post. 2. Thurs - MeelieNoh claims a sore throat. No post. 3. Fri - Dr appt for MeelieNoh (taken by Mrs. OWW). OWW's faithful 2001 Saturn SL2 declines to start - fried battery. After a jump-start, off to get it replaced before work at LHITWCS (Little Hole-In-The-Wall Computer Store). After LHITWCS (Little Hole-In-The-Wall Computer Store), visit w/MeelieNoh during lunch (sore throat diagnosed as "maybe a precursor to strep". Oh, Joy. Mrs. OWW states firmly that modified plan will be followed.
So, following my afternoon job at SGO (Small Governmental Organization), off I go to Jekyll Island for the Wreckyll in Jekyll. When I arrive, I am directed by Georgia to hie myself to Room (CENSORED) where I find Rob, Kim, Christina (what a sweetheart!), and Eric having a ... vigorous conversation on the relative merits of shrimp vs crawfish, and someone hands me a beer. I decline (at this time), a Chatham Artillery Punch. Cat is looming in the background, Jim is chatting quietly with Denny, and Recondo32 is just sitting in a chair, observing. I get introduced around by Eric and Christina, and I find that Georgia is Recondo's wife, and likes to talk. Fortunately, she's also quite bright, so the conversation is quite a bit of fun. Let's be clear, here - Georgia is raucus - loud, quick with a joke, and a laugh to make a loon jealous.
Jim, Denny, and Rob fired up their guitars, and sang very well together. Some of us attempted to sing with them, but I knocked that off after catching a pained look in Key's eyes. On a good day, with a big enough bucket, in my own shower, I do a pretty mean Lucretia MacEvil, but otherwise...ouch!
Denny attempted Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - but hadn't practiced that one in a long time. He swears he's going to do it at the next blogmeet. He's really good - the only other time I heard, in person, Bach on a guitar was Chris Parkening. Parkening did one of the short Fugues (G-minor?) - and it was absolute magic. Denny, I think, is that good.
Things blurred out a bit around then. Someone persuaded me to try a cup of the Artillery Punch. I remember trading vicious insults - in a friendly horrid manner - with a very nice guy. I think it was Eric, but I'm not sure - but he handed me a very small Scotch. Christina and I had a very nice talk - I suspect I wasn't completely coherent, at this point. Shortly after that, I went and crashed out.
It was an early crash-out, as I'd rolled out at 5AM, and I was whupped.
Maybe a little more tomorrow....