Old Weird Ward
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Blog Roll
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
- - - - - More Wreckyll - - - - -
4. Sat - Hangover city. My hair hurt. Sorta breakfast (a really bad bagel) at the hotel's upstairs lounge. Rotten coffee. Back to room for a nap. Later, lunch at Black Beard's. Pretty good Club Sandwich and a bowl of chowder. I decided I might live, and not regret it. I sat next to Zonker, and across from Christina and her "bodyguard" Susan.
Watching Cat, Jim, Rob, Georgia, Kim, and a few others trying to make that bullwhip crack was semi-hilarious, and a little alarming. I wasn't even tempted. My hair still hurt too much.
I then climbed (very carefully, as my hair still hurt a bit) into Sally the Saturn for the short drive back home, to T.O. this crew to Mrs. OWW for some serious partying.
5. Sun - Nursing hurt hair. MeelieNoh and BigSister made mucho noise, starting at 7AM - "Daddy? We're HUNGRY! Mrs. OWW pulled in at about 3PM. She was asleep, in bed, by 8PM. Her big comment? "Nice, but Very, Very strange. Can we do this again? It was fun!"
I got the kids in bed at about 9PM. My hair still hurt.
6. Mon - It's a Monday - what can I say? My hair no longer hurt, but my hair was dog tired. I felt (in the AcidMan's words) "like Fido's Ass". Right around bed-time, MeelieNoh started screeching and clutching her right ear. Them's of you with kids knows what that means!
7. Tues - Off to the doc at 8:30AM for MeelieNoh's ear. But Sally the Saturn didn't like that idea - after five years, the battery was deader than a door-nail. Got the battery replaced whilst consulting with the Dr. Yup...we got ear 'fection. Collect the "medcin" from Publix. Since the ear no longer hurts, after "medcin" it's off to School we go.
(It's now very late [for me] as I have to roll out at 5AM. This story WILL continue. It's been a loooong week!)